Sunday Bulletin – 26th June 2011 – Trinity 1
Sunday Bulletin – 26th June 2011 – Trinity 1

Sunday Bulletin – 26th June 2011 – Trinity 1

The full Sunday Bulletin for 26th June 2011 can be downloaded as a PDF file from HERE

Ministers Vestry Hour 12 noon – 1.00 pm. Please contact the Minister for an appointment – phone 01592-758264 or E-mail  In the event of hospitalisation, serious illness, family anxiety, bereavement or personal difficulty the Minister is readily available to visit. You have to let him know if he can be of help.

Coffee Mornings are held on Thursdays from 10.00am – 11.30am in the church hall. Come and join us for tea or coffee and a chat. You are always welcome.

Life and Work – The Life & Work magazine is now ready for uplift.

The Flowers In Church today are dedicated to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Jim Ferguson. They are gifted to the church by his daughter Christine Watson and family.

Following the great success of Christian Aid Week at Markinch Parish Church and the sale of books throughout the year we raised the sum of £1813.  With this money we will be purchasing the following:-

Bamboo shelters for 7 families – For most of us, Thailand is an exotic holiday destination.  For Burmese refugees, it is a far cry from this. Thousands of families are confined to refugee camps in the western border region of the country. It is a land in which they must struggle to survive in the hope that one day the conflict and political problems in Burma will come to an end and they can return home. To keep hope alive, our partner TBBC provides refugees with bamboo so that they can build and maintain simple but sturdy shelters. Having a roof over their heads ensures families have a safe place to stay and somewhere to call home.

1 bicycle – In Malawi, cars are rare, so a bicycle is a highly prized means of transport. With two wheels, volunteer outreach workers from the Ekwendenin Mission Hospital can visit people in outlying areas and give them the care they so desperately need. Whether the outreach worker helps with household tasks or makes sure medicine reaches the person in need, a bicycle makes a huge difference.

10 Emergency Hygiene Kits – Hygiene kits are vital for people living with HIV to help them remain healthy even in the midst of a disaster. The Haiti earthquake has left many people living in emergency camps. Local partners can provide vital medicines to the community in this time of instability.