Sunday Bulletin – 16th October 2011
Sunday Bulletin – 16th October 2011

Sunday Bulletin – 16th October 2011

The full Sunday Bulletin for 16th October 2011 can be downloaded as a PDF file from HERE

We welcomed Rev Alistair McLeod who led us in worship today.

Ministers Vestry Hour 12 noon – 1.00 pm. Please contact the Minister for an appointment – phone 01592-758264 or E-mail  In the event of hospitalisation, serious illness, family anxiety, bereavement or personal difficulty the Minister is readily available to visit. You have to let him know if he can be of help.

Coffee Mornings are held on Thursdays from 10.00am-11.30am in the church hall. Come and join us for tea or coffee and a chat. You are always welcome.

Christmas Cards. This year’s church Christmas card is a bestseller. To avoid disappointment complete an order form (available from the table in the church entrance) and pass it on to Jean Forsyth on Sunday 30th October.

Prayer Call – Copies of the October edition of Kirkcaldy Presbytery Prayer Call bulletin are now available for uplift from the vestibule

Webb Ivory Christmas Catalogue Order a variety of items for Christmas from this fundraising catalogue to help raise money for our Church. Copies of the catalogue can be collected from Tracy Thomson.

The Church Christmas Meal will be held at Balbirnie Golf Club on Friday, 16th December. More details will follow soon.

Offerings can easily be contributed regularly to the church by way of Standing Order via your own bank. It’s so much easier for both yourself and the church to give in this way. Please ask our Treasurer, Nancy Munro for a form.

Rotary Shoeboxes We have now received Shoeboxes for delivery to deprived people of all ages in Eastern Europe. Anything from toys to household items can be placed in the boxes. Shoeboxes are available for uplift now in the church hall. Remember to attach a £1 coin to the side of the box. We intend to send the boxes away around mid-November, therefore please return filled boxes by Sunday 3rd November. See John Wood for more details, if required.

The People’s Bible will be in Glenrothes for one day only on Tuesday, 18th October at Morrison’s Car Park from 9am to 5pm. There is the opportunity for anyone who wishes to write two verses of the Bible (now into the New Testament), electronically.  It started earlier in the summer at Edinburgh Castle and is to be completed hopefully by the Queen on 16th November in Westminster Abbey. This is your chance to make your mark in history. 

The Funeral Service for Mrs Margaret Corrigan will take place on Wednesday 19th October at 12.45pm at Kirkcaldy Crematorium to which all friends and relatives are invited.