Sunday Bulletin – 5th January 2014
Sunday Bulletin – 5th January 2014

Sunday Bulletin – 5th January 2014

The full Sunday Bulletin for 5th January 2014 can be downloaded as a PDF file from HERE

Please welcome Rev Alistair McLeod who will lead us in worship today.

Please also welcome our new church organist, Alison Burns.

If you require the services of a minister please contact the Session Clerk, John Wood on 01592 750327

Church Cookbook Volume 3 – Baking and Biscuits. These have now been received so anyone who has placed an order for copies can collect them from Ken Wilkie in the hall after the service. There are also plenty of spare copies for those who have not pre-ordered.

Flower Ladies We would like to show gratitude and appreciation to the fantastic ladies on the flower committee who give their time freely to buy, decorate the church and distribute the flowers each week.

Church Flowers If you would like flowers distributed to anyone in  the congregation during January please contact Teresa Henderson on 01592 754892