Intimations – 21st February 2010
Intimations – 21st February 2010

Intimations – 21st February 2010

Pulpit Exchange Sunday  – a warm welcome to Rev Catriona Morrison and Rev Marc Prowe, who will lead us in worship today
Ministers Vestry Hour 12 noon – 1.00 pm. Please contact the Minister for an appointment – phone 01592-758264 or  E-mail  In the event of hospitalisation, serious illness, family anxiety, bereavement or personal difficulty the Minister is available to visit. You have to let him know if he can be of help.
Coffee Morning from 10.00am to 11.30am on Thursdays in the church hall. Join us for tea or coffee and a chat. Sales table and lucky tickets.
The Guild meets tomorrow evening, Monday 22nd February, at 7.00pm in the Church Hall. The speaker will be from the Procurator Fiscal’s office
Communion Sunday You are most likely aware that we have recently discontinued the use of the Communion Cards.  You are invited to join with us in celebrating The Sacrament of Holy Communion next Sunday, 28th February 2010 at 11.00 am.        
The Church’s Gift Day will be on the 28th February. As we are also celebrating Communion on the same day, we would ask those members who have not yet signed their Gift Aid declaration to arrive a few minutes earlier so that they can register their details on their way into the Church.
The Congregational Board has identified the following two items in need of attention. These are the replacement of the boiler used to heat the hall and the repair/replacement of several of the hall windows. Both of these items are likely to be expensive to undertake and the congregation’s assistance will be needed to help to fund these projects. All the money donated during the Gift Day, along with that brought in during other fund raising events, will be used to meet the costs involved.
Markinch Youth Club urgently requires more volunteers. The youth club is held in Markinch Church Hall on Thursday’s between 6.30pm – 8pm. Anyone interested in working with youngsters aged 10 – 16 years please contact Tracy Thomson on 01592 775752
Rotary Shoeboxes There will be a delivery of Shoeboxes to Eastern Europe for Easter, if you wish to fill a box for this worthwhile cause you can collect empty boxes and information in the Church Hall following today’s service.  Filled boxes must e returned by 28th February. 
The Flowers in Church today are dedicated to the glory of God and in loving memory of Cath Burns. They are gifted to the Church by the family. There are also flowers in loving memory of Rev T.A Downie and Mr and Mrs J. Duncan. They are gifted to the Church by Morven and John Duncan.
Christian Aid Coffee Morning  Volunteers are required please, for the Christian Aid Coffee Morning on Saturday 15th May from 10.00am to 12.00noon. If you can help with any of the following, please speak to Jean Forsyth or call 01592 758264. She will be very grateful for:- help in the kitchen, serving coffees, manning the tombola stall, baking stall or the door and selling raffle tickets and tickets for the event. She would also appreciate donations of baking for the teas and for the baking stall, donations for the tombola and for the raffle
An invitation from the Burntisland Church Pastoral Care Group. Members of Presbytery are warmly invited to join them on Tuesday 9th March at 7.00pm in Burntisland Church Hall for an address by Justin Dowds, Director of the Charity ‘Lemon Aid’ based in the Vine Church, Dunfermline. Justin and his team of volunteer doctors and nurses go to La Gonave, an island off Haiti, to care for the children there, vaccinating them against typhoid, hepatitis B, meningitis and much more. The charity’s challenge now is to rebuild the hospital there. A film will be shown. If you are interested in attending please contact Ann Smith on 01592 873994 by 7th March.
“Bel Canto Voices – an evening of song” on Friday 12th March at St Margaret’s church at 7.30pm. Tickets priced £5.00 including tea/coffee/juice and biscuits. In aid of the World Church Fund. For tickets call Brian Johnson on 01592 743251
Fundraising and Social Events
Following a recent fundraising meeting, it has been decided that we will have a few social events as well as the major fundraising events in 2010, The fundraising effort for this year will be ring fenced for the fabric fund as there are a number of major projects which need to be undertaken this year, such as the replacement of the windows in the church hall. Please put the dates below in your diary, and we hope that these events will be well supported. All further details will be intimated in the weekly bulletin.
28th February Gift Day, a display in the hall with an extra ‘Soup Sunday’
19th June  Coffee Morning with Tombola and Sales Table
1st September  Raffle Tickets will go on sale
9th October  Coffee Morning with Tombola and Sales Table
Social Events.
9th April  Quiz Night
Summer  Garden Party (any volunteers?)
10th December  Christmas Meal at Balbirnie Golf Club (£20 per ticket)