Intimations – 21st March 2010
Intimations – 21st March 2010

Intimations – 21st March 2010

Ministers Vestry Hour 12 noon – 1.00 pm. Please contact the Minister for an appointment – phone 01592-758264 or  E-mail  In the event of hospitalisation, serious illness, family anxiety, bereavement or personal difficulty the Minister is available to visit. You have to let him know if he can help.
Coffee Morning from 10.00am to 11.30am on Thursdays in the church hall. Join us for tea or coffee and a chat. Sales table and lucky tickets.
Annual General Meeting All members of the Congregation are warmly invited to attend this year’s A.G.M which will take place in the hall at 7.15pm on Monday 22nd March. The main item on the agenda will be the presentation of the Accounts for 2009.
Congregational Board The next meeting of the Board will take place immediately after the A.G.M. on Monday 22nd March. Copies of the agenda and minutes of the previous meeting are available in the Session House for members of the Board without e-mail.
The Guild The closing social of the Guild is on Monday 29th March at 7.00pm in the Church Hall.  Entertainment is by Methilhill Drama Group
Easter Chicks Thank you to everyone who has help knit Easter Chicks, your support has enabled us to raise £47 for Church Funds.  Easter Chicks can be purchased in the Church hall following today’s service for only £1.
The Flowers in Church today are dedicated to the Glory of God and are in loving memory of Margaret and William Hill and also Isabella and David Braid. They are gifted to the church by Alan and Ann Braid.
Markinch Amateur Operatic Society will be presenting ‘Oklahoma!’ in Markinch Town Hall from Monday 22nd to Saturday 27th March 2010. Tickets are available from the secretary, Valerie Thomson on 01592 758478.
GROW Fashion Show: A Fashion Show organised by M&Co in aid of GROW will be held in Markinch Church Hall on Friday 30th April at 7.30pm. Tickets (£4 for adults and £2 for children) are available from Joan Grant.
GROW Concert: A concert by Linlithgow Reed Band in aid of GROW will be held at Glenrothes Christ’s Kirk on Saturday 17th April at 7pm. Tickets £5 from Joan Grant.
St Columba’s Church Choir presents the musical ROCK on Saturday 3rd April at 7pm at St Columba’s Church. Adults £5, Children £1.  Proceeds to the Haiti Disaster Fund.
Quiz Night Scheduled for Friday 9th April at 7pm. Teams of four are welcome as well as individuals who will be made into teams on the night. This is certain to be an entertaining evening, and all for £1 per person. Names to Karen Wood or Jennifer Watt
Fundraising and Social Events It has been decided that we will have a few social events as well as the major fundraising events in 2010, The fundraising effort for this year will be ring fenced for the fabric fund as there are a number of major projects which need to be undertaken this year, such as the replacement of the windows in the church hall. Please put the dates below in your diary, and we hope that these events will be well supported. All further details will be intimated in the weekly bulletin.
19th June  Coffee Morning with Tombola and Sales Table
1st September  Raffle Tickets will go on sale
9th October  Coffee Morning with Tombola and Sales Table
Social Events. 9th April  Quiz Night
Summer  Garden Party (any volunteers?)
10th December Christmas Meal at Balbirnie Golf Club (£20ea)
Christian Aid Coffee Morning Volunteers are required for the Christian Aid Coffee Morning on Saturday 15th May from 10.00am to 12.00 noon. If you can help with any of the following, please speak to Jean Forsyth or call 01592 758264. She will be very grateful for:- help in the kitchen, serving coffees, manning the tombola stall, baking stall or the door and selling raffle tickets and tickets for the event. She would also appreciate donations of baking for the teas and for the baking stall, donations for the tombola and for the raffle.
The Glory of Easter

March 28th  – 11.00am
Palm Sunday – ‘The Cross Roads’
(Includes the distribution of the Palm Crosses)

April 2nd  – 7.00pm
Good Friday
The Sacrament of Holy Communion

April 4th – 11.00am 
Easter Sunday Celebration
‘He is Risen’