Sunday Bulletin – 5th May 2013 – Easter 6
Sunday Bulletin – 5th May 2013 – Easter 6

Sunday Bulletin – 5th May 2013 – Easter 6

The full Sunday Bulletin for 5th  May 2013 can be downloaded as a PDF file from HERE

We welcomed Rev Christine Houghton who led us in worship today

Ministers Vestry Hour 12 noon – 1.00 pm. Please contact the Minister for an appointment – phone 01592-758264 or E-mail  In the event of hospitalisation, serious illness, family anxiety, bereavement or personal difficulty the Minister is readily available to visit but you have to let him know if he can be of help.

Church Newsletter The deadline for the next issue has been extended until tomorrow, Monday 6th May so if you have any interesting news, stories, poems etc, please hand them to Ken Wilkie urgently or email  or call 01592 760042. Remember – its YOUR newsletter.

Coffee Mornings on Thursdays from 10.00am-11.30am in the church hall. Join us for tea or coffee and a chat. You are always welcome.

Christian Aid Coffee Morning – Everyone is very welcome to join us on Thursday 9th May between 10am and 11.15am for our annual Christian Aid Coffee morning. Tickets are £1 each and can be purchased from Tracy Thomson or Ken Wilkie There will be a baking stall and lucky tickets for sale.

Christian Aid quiz sheets are on sale in the church hall – only £1

Life and Work Magazine The current edition is now available for uplift.

Church Flower Rota As there are only 52 Sundays in the calendar year, flower donators who wish to choose certain dates may find themselves sharing. It is inevitable, on occasions, that more than one person will want the same date. The more flowers in our church on a Sunday the better, as more people will enjoy the gift of church flowers.

Presbytery Songs of Praise Service The Presbytery Prayer Banner is reaching the end of its pilgrimage around the congregations in our Presbytery and the Mission and Worship Committee is organising a service to celebrate its journey. The Presbytery Songs of Praise Service will be held on Sunday 12th May at 7pm in St Columba’s Parish Church, Glenrothes. There will be lots of favourite hymns and readings, with an address by our Moderator, Rev Tony Fowler.

Church Lunch Just to remind you that the lunch is at Balbirnie Golf Club on Saturday 8th June, 12.30 for 1.00pm. Total cost is £16.50. A deposit of £6.50 per person is required by Jean Forsyth, followed by the balance of £10.00 per person to be paid by Sunday 26th May at the very latest.

The Markinch Parish Church Cookbook Volume 2 is now on sale. It includes Starters, Desserts, Confectionary, Preserves and Chutney. Available from Jean Forsyth at Thursday Coffees or in the hall on Sundays after the morning service.

Craft Items are available for sale in the hall for church funds. If you have any unwanted craft items, fabric, threads, wool, half finished kits or projects that you would like to donate to the fundraising effort, please contact Marianne Sankey, Meg Sankey or Karen Wood.


Christian Aid Envelopes

Christian Aid Week was first held in 1957 and is Britain and Ireland’s longest-running fundraising week. It is famous for its distinctive red envelope that drops through the letterboxes of millions of homes every May.  We have included these distinctive red envelopes with your Sunday Sheet

This year, Christian Aid Week is highlighting the fact that tonight 1 in 8 people will go to bed hungry, but there is enough food for all to eat and have their fill if certain changes are made. Christian Aid works in partnership with communities and organisations in 48 countries, supporting innovative projects to help people transform their own lives from barely surviving to truly thriving. In drought-prone southern Zimbabwe, Christian Aid partner Dabane Trust worked with local communities to access the clean, naturally filtered water that is stored, hidden, beneath sand-bed rivers, ensuring people have a supply of clean water. Now they can water their gardens all year round, meaning they can grow a variety of vegetables to eat and to sell. Husband and wife Jabulisa Ndlovu and Zuzeni Nyathi used to struggle to find enough for their children to eat, but Zuzeni says: ‘We [can] now eat every day at any time – we are always full.’

This Christian Aid Week, bite back at hunger and give a gift that will help people living in poverty out of poverty.

£1.85 could pay for 1kg of sugar bean seeds for a family like Jabulisa and Zuzeni’s, giving them a crop of 20kg of beans.

£2000 could pay for a sand dam for one whole community like Jabulisa and Zuzeni’s, helping them to have a constant supply of water.

For further information about Christian Aid Week, please visit

Any donations can be returned to the Church during the May, where they can be left in the wishing well in the Church vestibule or given to Tracy Thomson.