Sunday Bulletin – 12th May 2013 – Easter 7
Sunday Bulletin – 12th May 2013 – Easter 7

Sunday Bulletin – 12th May 2013 – Easter 7

The full Sunday Bulletin for 12th  May 2013 can be downloaded as a PDF file from HERE

Ministers Vestry Hour 12 noon – 1.00 pm. Please contact the Minister for an appointment – phone 01592-758264 or E-mail  In the event of hospitalisation, serious illness, family anxiety, bereavement or personal difficulty the Minister is readily available to visit but you have to let him know if he can be of help.

Coffee Mornings on Thursdays from 10.00am-11.30am in the church hall. Join us for tea or coffee and a chat. You are always welcome.

Church Newsletter Elders please note that their copies of the May edition of News From The Pews can be collected from the session house from today.

The Flowers in Church today are dedicated to the Glory of God and are in loving memory of Jean Gould. They are gifted to the church by her “boys” – her sons Harry and Bryan.  There are also flowers in loving memory of James Warden. These are gifted to the church by Isobel, Paula and Jill.

The Presbytery Songs of Praise Service will be held tonight Sunday 12th May at 7pm in St Columba’s Parish Church, Glenrothes. There will be lots of favourite hymns and an address by our Moderator, Rev Tony Fowler. Presbytery are hoping for an excellent turnout for this evening of celebration and praise

Church Lunch Just to remind you that the lunch is at Balbirnie Golf Club on Saturday 8th June, 12.30 for 1.00pm. Total cost is £16.50. A deposit of £6.50 per person is required by Jean Forsyth, followed by the balance of £10.00 per person to be paid by Sunday 26th May at the very latest.

The Markinch Parish Church Cookbook Volume 2 is now on sale. It includes Starters, Desserts, Confectionary, Preserves and Chutney. Available from Jean Forsyth at Thursday Coffees or in the hall on Sundays after the morning service.

Craft Items are available for sale in the hall for church funds. If you have any unwanted craft items, fabric, threads, wool, half finished kits or projects that you would like to donate to the fundraising effort, please contact Marianne Sankey, Meg Sankey or Karen Wood.


Christian Aid Week – 12th to 18th May – Bite Back At Hunger

Christian Aid quiz sheets are on sale in the church hall – only £1

Any donations for Christian Aid can be returned to the Church at any time during May. They can be left in the wishing well in the Church vestibule or handed to Tracy Thomson.


The Minister and Kirk Session invite you to join them at the celebration of Holy Communion on Sunday 26th May at 11.00am