Sunday Bulletin – 7th July 2013 – Trinity 6
Sunday Bulletin – 7th July 2013 – Trinity 6

Sunday Bulletin – 7th July 2013 – Trinity 6

The full Sunday Bulletin for 7th July 2013 can be downloaded as a PDF file from HERE

Ministers Vestry Hour 12 noon – 1.00 pm. Please contact the Minister for an appointment – phone 01592-758264 or E-mail  In the event of hospitalisation, serious illness, family anxiety, bereavement or personal difficulty the Minister is readily available to visit but you have to let him know if he can be of help.

Coffee Mornings on Thursdays from 10.00am-11.30am in the church hall. Join us for tea or coffee and a chat. You are always welcome.

Rev Alex Forsyth will shortly celebrate 40 years as an ordained minister. On 21st July there will be a special Sunday Morning service led by the Rev. Ken Froude, minister of St Bryce, Kirkcaldy.

Top 10 Hymn Service Nomination sheets are available from Marianne Sankey, Karen Wood and Meg Sankey at a cost of £1. Nominate your 10 favourite hymns in order of preference and return the forms no later than 11th August. The 10 most popular hymns will be sung at an evening praise service on Friday 6th September. Tea, biscuits and cake will be served in the hall afterwards.

Communion Coin Collection boxes are now available in the vestibule. The collection will go towards the installation of a lift at the church steps. Boxes can be emptied any Sunday or Thursday morning by seeing Marianne Sankey, Karen Wood or Meg Sankey.

General Assembly Take a look at Alex’s report on the General Assembly on the Kirkcaldy Presbytery website  –

The Flower Lady for July is Anne Wells. Contact her on 01592 501258

Craft Items are available for sale in the hall for church funds. If you wish to donate any unwanted craft items, fabric, threads, wool, etc please contact Marianne Sankey, Meg Sankey or Karen Wood.

Church Magazine – News From The Pews Articles are required for the August edition of the church magazine. The deadline is Sunday 28th July. Please hand any articles, jokes or any other interesting items to Ken Wilkie or email them to

Glenrothes YMCA is spearheading Foodbank in Glenrothes and requests for food parcels are increasing for reasons such as changes to the benefit system. In response to this appeal, a box can be found in the vestibule and if you would like to make a donation of non-perishable foods, please place it in the box on a Sunday, and we will ensure that it is delivered to the food bank on a Monday.