Life and Work magazine, Mar 2010
Life and Work magazine, Mar 2010

Life and Work magazine, Mar 2010

Down on the Farm
Jackie Macadam learns about the church’s role in the Care Farming initiative, which uses commercial farms and farming activity to promote mental and physical health.

‘You’ll Never Amount to Anything…’

Profile of the Rev Neil Galbraith, co-founder of Glasgow the Caring City.

A Reformation Fascination
Dr Harry Reid examines the work of emerging Glasgow artist Joe O’Brien.

Divided and Reunited

John R Hume examines the Church of the Holy Rude in Stirling.

From Lent to Pentecost

In the second part of the series, the Rev Martin Allen examines John 19:19 – the Coronation at the Cross.

The Growing Church

Holy Trinity Church in Wester Hailes, Edinburgh.

Struggling for Religious Autonomy
The third of Professor Peter Howie’s pen portraits of the Reformation looks at the life of Andrew Melville.

Too Harshly Judged?

The Rev James Martin suggests Judas Iscariot should receive a more sympathetic hearing.

Making a Difference

David McLachlan calls on readers to support the Church and Society Council’s postcard campaign to cancel the renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons system.

1500 Years of Christianity

Jackie Macadam visits Luss, one of the oldest Christian settlements in Scotland.

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